API Bootstrap

class crispy_forms.bootstrap.Accordion(*accordion_groups, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Accordion menu object. It wraps AccordionGroup objects in a container

*accordion_groupsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of layout objects as positional arguments to be rendered within the <div>.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default None.



    AccordionGroup("group name", "form_field_1", "form_field_2"),
    AccordionGroup("another group name", "form_field")
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.AccordionGroup(name, *fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, active=None, **kwargs)[source]

Accordion Group (pane) object. It wraps given fields inside an accordion tab. It takes accordion tab name as first argument.

Tab object. It wraps fields in a div whose default class is “tab-pane” and takes a name as first argument.


The name of the container.

*fieldsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of fields as positional arguments to be rendered within the container.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default “”.



AccordionGroup("group name", "form_field_1", "form_field_2")
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.Alert(content, dismiss=True, block=False, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generates markup in the form of an alert dialog.


The content of the alert.


If true the alert contains a button to dismiss the alert. By default True.

blockstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied to the <button>. By default None.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the alert if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are then available in the template context.

template: str

The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


The CSS classes to be applied to the alert. By defult “alert”.



Alert(content='<strong>Warning!</strong> Best check yo self, you're not looking too good.')
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.AppendedText(field, text, *, input_size=None, active=False, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering a field with appended text.


The name of the field to be rendered.


The appended text, can be HTML like.

input_sizestr, optional

For Bootstrap4+ additional classes to customise the input-group size e.g. input-group-sm. By default None


For Bootstrap3, a boolean to render the text active. By default False.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



AppendedText('amount', '.00')
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.Container(name, *fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, active=None, **kwargs)[source]

Base class used for Tab and AccordionGroup, represents a basic container concept.


The name of the container.

*fieldsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of fields as positional arguments to be rendered within the container.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default “”.

class crispy_forms.bootstrap.ContainerHolder(*fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Base class used for TabHolder and Accordion, groups containers.

*fieldsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of fields or layout objects as positional arguments to be rendered within the <div>.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default None.


Returns the first container with errors, otherwise returns None.


Makes sure that the first group that should be open is open. This is either the first group with errors or the first group in the container, unless that first group was originally set to active=False.

class crispy_forms.bootstrap.FieldWithButtons(*fields, input_size=None, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

A layout object for rendering a single field with any number of buttons.

*fieldsstr or LayoutObject

The first positional argument is the field. This can be either the name of the field as a string or an instance of Field. Following arguments will be rendered as buttons.


Additional CSS class to change the size of the input. e.g. “input-group-sm”.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the wrapping <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the wrapping <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the wrapping <div>. By default None.



    Field("password1", css_class="span4"),
    StrictButton("Go!", css_id="go-button"),
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.FormActions(*fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bootstrap layout object. It wraps fields in a <div class=”form-actions”>

*fieldsHTML or BaseInput

The layout objects to render within the ButtonHolder. It should only hold HTML and BaseInput inherited objects.

css_idstr, optional

A custom DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.

template: str

The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


An example using FormActions in your layout:

    HTML(<span style="display: hidden;">Information Saved</span>),
    Submit('Save', 'Save', css_class='btn-primary')
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.InlineCheckboxes(*fields, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering checkboxes inline.


Usually a single field, but can be any number of fields, to be rendered with the same attributes applied.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



class crispy_forms.bootstrap.InlineField(*fields, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering fields as Inline in bootstrap.


Usually a single field, but can be any number of fields, to be rendered with the same attributes applied.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



class crispy_forms.bootstrap.InlineRadios(*fields, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering radiobuttons inline.


Usually a single field, but can be any number of fields, to be rendered with the same attributes applied.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



class crispy_forms.bootstrap.Modal(*fields, template=None, css_id='modal_id', title='Modal Title', title_id='modal_title_id', css_class=None, title_class=None, **kwargs)[source]

Boostrap layout object for rendering crispy forms objects inside a bootstrap modal.


The fields to be rendered within the modal.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

css_id: str, optional

The modal’s DOM id. By default modal_id.

title: str, optional

Text to display in the modal’s header which will be wrapped in an <H5> tag. By default Modal Title.

title_id: str, optional

The title’s DOM id. By default modal_title_id.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

title_class: str, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied to the title. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.



    title="This is my modal",
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.PrependedAppendedText(field, prepended_text=None, appended_text=None, input_size=None, *, active=False, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering a field with prepended and appended text.


The name of the field to be rendered.

prepended_textstr, optional

The prepended text, can be HTML like, by default None

appended_textstr, optional

The appended text, can be HTML like, by default None

input_sizestr, optional

For Bootstrap4+ additional classes to customise the input-group size e.g. input-group-sm. By default None


For Bootstrap3, a boolean to render the text active. By default False.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



PrependedAppendedText('amount', '$', '.00')
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.PrependedText(field, text, *, input_size=None, active=False, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering a field with prepended text.


The name of the field to be rendered.


The prepended text, can be HTML like.

input_sizestr, optional

For Bootstrap4+ additional classes to customise the input-group size e.g. input-group-sm. By default None


For Bootstrap3, a boolean to render the text active. By default False.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



PrependedText('amount', '$')
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.StrictButton(content, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering an HTML button in a <button> tag.


The content of the button. This content is context aware, to bring this to life see the examples section.

css_idstr, optional

A custom DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <button> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied to the <button>. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <button>.

template: str

The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


The CSS classes to be applied to the button. By defult “btn”.


In your Layout:

StrictButton("button content", css_class="extra")

The content of the button is context aware, so you can do things like:

StrictButton("Button for {{ user.username }}")
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.Tab(name, *fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, active=None, **kwargs)[source]

Tab object. It wraps fields in a div whose default class is “tab-pane” and takes a name as first argument.


The name of the container.

*fieldsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of fields as positional arguments to be rendered within the container.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default “”.



Tab('tab_name', 'form_field_1', 'form_field_2', 'form_field_3')

Render the link for the tab-pane. It must be called after render so css_class is updated with active if needed.

class crispy_forms.bootstrap.TabHolder(*fields, css_id=None, css_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

TabHolder object. It wraps Tab objects in a container.

*fieldsstr, LayoutObject

Any number of fields or layout objects as positional arguments to be rendered within the <div>.

css_idstr, optional

A DOM id for the layout object which will be added to the <div> if provided. By default None.

css_classstr, optional

Additional CSS classes to be applied in addition to those declared by the class itself. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are passed to flatatt and converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the <div>. By default None.



    Tab('form_field_1', 'form_field_2'),
class crispy_forms.bootstrap.UneditableField(field, css_class=None, wrapper_class=None, template=None, **kwargs)[source]

Layout object for rendering fields as uneditable in bootstrap.


The name of the field.

css_classstr, optional

CSS classes to be applied to the field. These are added to any classes included in the attrs dict. By default None.

wrapper_class: str, optional

CSS classes to be used when rendering the Field. This class is usually applied to the <div> which wraps the Field’s <label> and <input> tags. By default None.

templatestr, optional

Overrides the default template, if provided. By default None.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional attributes are converted into key=”value”, pairs. These attributes are added to the <div>.


The default template which this Layout Object will be rendered with.


Attributes to be applied to the field. These are converted into html attributes. e.g. data_id: 'test' in the attrs dict will become data-id='test' on the field’s <input>.



UneditableField('field_name', css_class="input-xlarge")