Source code for helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from crispy_forms.compatibility import string_types
from crispy_forms.exceptions import FormHelpersException
from crispy_forms.layout import Layout
from crispy_forms.layout_slice import LayoutSlice
from crispy_forms.utils import (
    TEMPLATE_PACK, flatatt, list_difference, list_intersection, render_field,

    from django.urls import reverse, NoReverseMatch
except ImportError:
    # Django < 1.10
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch

class DynamicLayoutHandler(object):
    def _check_layout(self):
        if self.layout is None:
            raise FormHelpersException("You need to set a layout in your FormHelper")

    def _check_layout_and_form(self):
        if self.form is None:
            raise FormHelpersException("You need to pass a form instance to your FormHelper")

    def all(self):
        Returns all layout objects of first level of depth
        return LayoutSlice(self.layout, slice(0, len(self.layout.fields), 1))

    def filter(self, *LayoutClasses, **kwargs):
        Returns a LayoutSlice pointing to layout objects of type `LayoutClass`
        max_level = kwargs.pop('max_level', 0)
        greedy = kwargs.pop('greedy', False)
        filtered_layout_objects = self.layout.get_layout_objects(LayoutClasses, max_level=max_level, greedy=greedy)

        return LayoutSlice(self.layout, filtered_layout_objects)

    def filter_by_widget(self, widget_type):
        Returns a LayoutSlice pointing to fields with widgets of `widget_type`
        layout_field_names = self.layout.get_field_names()

        # Let's filter all fields with widgets like widget_type
        filtered_fields = []
        for pointer in layout_field_names:
            if isinstance(self.form.fields[pointer[1]].widget, widget_type):

        return LayoutSlice(self.layout, filtered_fields)

    def exclude_by_widget(self, widget_type):
        Returns a LayoutSlice pointing to fields with widgets NOT matching `widget_type`
        layout_field_names = self.layout.get_field_names()

        # Let's exclude all fields with widgets like widget_type
        filtered_fields = []
        for pointer in layout_field_names:
            if not isinstance(self.form.fields[pointer[1]].widget, widget_type):

        return LayoutSlice(self.layout, filtered_fields)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Return a LayoutSlice that makes changes affect the current instance of the layout
        and not a copy.
        # when key is a string containing the field name
        if isinstance(key, string_types):
            # Django templates access FormHelper attributes using dictionary [] operator
            # This could be a helper['form_id'] access, not looking for a field
            if hasattr(self, key):
                return getattr(self, key)

            layout_field_names = self.layout.get_field_names()

            filtered_field = []
            for pointer in layout_field_names:
                # There can be an empty pointer
                if len(pointer) == 2 and pointer[1] == key:

            return LayoutSlice(self.layout, filtered_field)

        return LayoutSlice(self.layout, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.layout[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.layout.fields[key]

    def __len__(self):
        if self.layout is not None:
            return len(self.layout.fields)
            return 0

[docs]class FormHelper(DynamicLayoutHandler): """ This class controls the form rendering behavior of the form passed to the `{% crispy %}` tag. For doing so you will need to set its attributes and pass the corresponding helper object to the tag:: {% crispy form form.helper %} Let's see what attributes you can set and what form behaviors they apply to: **form_method**: Specifies form method attribute. You can set it to 'POST' or 'GET'. Defaults to 'POST' **form_action**: Applied to the form action attribute: - Can be a named url in your URLconf that can be executed via the `{% url %}` template tag. \ Example: 'show_my_profile'. In your URLconf you could have something like:: url(r'^show/profile/$', 'show_my_profile_view', name = 'show_my_profile') - It can simply point to a URL '/whatever/blabla/'. **form_id**: Generates a form id for dom identification. If no id provided then no id attribute is created on the form. **form_class**: String containing separated CSS classes to be applied to form class attribute. The form will always have by default 'uniForm' class. **form_group_wrapper_class**: String containing separated CSS classes to be applied to each row of inputs. **form_tag**: It specifies if <form></form> tags should be rendered when using a Layout. If set to False it renders the form without the <form></form> tags. Defaults to True. **form_error_title**: If a form has `non_field_errors` to display, they are rendered in a div. You can set title's div with this attribute. Example: "Oooops!" or "Form Errors" **formset_error_title**: If a formset has `non_form_errors` to display, they are rendered in a div. You can set title's div with this attribute. **form_style**: Uni-form has two built in different form styles. You can choose your favorite. This can be set to "default" or "inline". Defaults to "default". **include_media**: Whether to automatically include form media. Set to False if you want to manually include form media outside the form. Defaults to True. Public Methods: **add_input(input)**: You can add input buttons using this method. Inputs added using this method will be rendered at the end of the form/formset. **add_layout(layout)**: You can add a `Layout` object to `FormHelper`. The Layout specifies in a simple, clean and DRY way how the form fields should be rendered. You can wrap fields, order them, customize pretty much anything in the form. Best way to add a helper to a form is adding a property named helper to the form that returns customized `FormHelper` object:: from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper from crispy_forms.layout import Submit class MyForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField(_("Title")) @property def helper(self): helper = FormHelper() helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks' helper.form_class = 'search' helper.add_input(Submit('save', 'save')) [...] return helper You can use it in a template doing:: {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% crispy form %} """ _form_method = 'post' _form_action = '' _form_style = 'default' form = None form_id = '' form_class = '' form_group_wrapper_class = '' layout = None form_tag = True form_error_title = None formset_error_title = None form_show_errors = True render_unmentioned_fields = False render_hidden_fields = False render_required_fields = False _help_text_inline = False _error_text_inline = True html5_required = False form_show_labels = True template = None field_template = None disable_csrf = False use_custom_control = True label_class = '' field_class = '' include_media = True def __init__(self, form=None): self.attrs = {} self.inputs = [] if form is not None: self.form = form self.layout = self.build_default_layout(form) def build_default_layout(self, form): return Layout(*form.fields.keys()) @property def form_method(self): return self._form_method @form_method.setter def form_method(self, method): if method.lower() not in ('get', 'post'): raise FormHelpersException('Only GET and POST are valid in the \ form_method helper attribute') self._form_method = method.lower() @property def form_action(self): try: return reverse(self._form_action) except NoReverseMatch: return self._form_action @form_action.setter def form_action(self, action): self._form_action = action @property def form_style(self): if self._form_style == "default": return '' if self._form_style == "inline": return 'inlineLabels' @form_style.setter def form_style(self, style): if style.lower() not in ('default', 'inline'): raise FormHelpersException('Only default and inline are valid in the \ form_style helper attribute') self._form_style = style.lower() @property def help_text_inline(self): return self._help_text_inline @help_text_inline.setter def help_text_inline(self, flag): self._help_text_inline = flag self._error_text_inline = not flag @property def error_text_inline(self): return self._error_text_inline @error_text_inline.setter def error_text_inline(self, flag): self._error_text_inline = flag self._help_text_inline = not flag def add_input(self, input_object): self.inputs.append(input_object) def add_layout(self, layout): self.layout = layout
[docs] def render_layout(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): """ Returns safe html of the rendering of the layout """ form.rendered_fields = set() form.crispy_field_template = self.field_template # This renders the specified Layout strictly html = self.layout.render( form, self.form_style, context, template_pack=template_pack ) # Rendering some extra fields if specified if self.render_unmentioned_fields or self.render_hidden_fields or self.render_required_fields: fields = set(form.fields.keys()) left_fields_to_render = fields - form.rendered_fields for field in left_fields_to_render: if ( self.render_unmentioned_fields or self.render_hidden_fields and form.fields[field].widget.is_hidden or self.render_required_fields and form.fields[field].widget.is_required ): html += render_field( field, form, self.form_style, context, template_pack=template_pack ) # If the user has Meta.fields defined, not included in the layout, # we suppose they need to be rendered if hasattr(form, 'Meta'): if hasattr(form.Meta, 'fields'): current_fields = tuple(getattr(form, 'fields', {}).keys()) meta_fields = getattr(form.Meta, 'fields') fields_to_render = list_intersection(current_fields, meta_fields) left_fields_to_render = list_difference(fields_to_render, form.rendered_fields) for field in left_fields_to_render: # We still respect the configuration of the helper # regarding which fields to render if ( self.render_unmentioned_fields or (self.render_hidden_fields and form.fields[field].widget.is_hidden) or (self.render_required_fields and form.fields[field].widget.is_required) ): html += render_field(field, form, self.form_style, context) return mark_safe(html)
[docs] def get_attributes(self, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): """ Used by crispy_forms_tags to get helper attributes """ items = { 'disable_csrf': self.disable_csrf, 'error_text_inline': self.error_text_inline, 'field_class': self.field_class, 'field_template': self.field_template or '%s/field.html' % template_pack, 'form_method': self.form_method.strip(), 'form_show_errors': self.form_show_errors, 'form_show_labels': self.form_show_labels, 'form_style': self.form_style.strip(), 'form_tag': self.form_tag, 'help_text_inline': self.help_text_inline, 'html5_required': self.html5_required, 'include_media': self.include_media, 'label_class': self.label_class, 'use_custom_control': self.use_custom_control, } if template_pack == 'bootstrap4': if 'form-horizontal' in self.form_class.split(): bootstrap_size_match = re.findall(r'col-(xl|lg|md|sm)-(\d+)', self.label_class) if bootstrap_size_match: offset_pattern = 'offset-%s-%s' items['bootstrap_checkbox_offsets'] = [offset_pattern % m for m in bootstrap_size_match] else: bootstrap_size_match = re.findall(r'col-(lg|md|sm|xs)-(\d+)', self.label_class) if bootstrap_size_match: offset_pattern = 'col-%s-offset-%s' items['bootstrap_checkbox_offsets'] = [offset_pattern % m for m in bootstrap_size_match] items['attrs'] = {} if self.attrs: items['attrs'] = self.attrs.copy() if self.form_action: items['attrs']['action'] = self.form_action.strip() if self.form_id: items['attrs']['id'] = self.form_id.strip() if self.form_class: # uni_form TEMPLATE PACK has a uniForm class by default if template_pack == 'uni_form': items['attrs']['class'] = "uniForm %s" % self.form_class.strip() else: items['attrs']['class'] = self.form_class.strip() else: if template_pack == 'uni_form': items['attrs']['class'] = self.attrs.get('class', '') + " uniForm" if self.form_group_wrapper_class: items['attrs']['form_group_wrapper_class'] = self.form_group_wrapper_class items['flat_attrs'] = flatatt(items['attrs']) if self.inputs: items['inputs'] = self.inputs if self.form_error_title: items['form_error_title'] = self.form_error_title.strip() if self.formset_error_title: items['formset_error_title'] = self.formset_error_title.strip() for attribute_name, value in self.__dict__.items(): if attribute_name not in items and attribute_name not in ['layout', 'inputs'] and not attribute_name.startswith('_'): items[attribute_name] = value return items